Action Enforcer

September 20, 2009

How to Get Things Done – Tip # 18

Filed under: Get Things Done! — 5buckguy @ 10:52 am

Each day for a few weeks, I’ll give you a new tip on how to get more done with the same hours you already have.  Here’s the next tip:

Dumb-Down After You Eat

For most people, the worst time to do any kind of ‘brain-work’ is shortly after eating.

You know why this happens, it has to do with your body’s need to divert blood from the brain to the stomach for the energy-draining digestion process.

Despite knowing this is how our body works, it’s easy to totally forget about it and dig into something that requires a lot of concentration and focus right after lunch.

This usually results in not-so-great results.

As with most things, the first step to solving the problem is to become aware that you’re doing it. Think about your personal work habits and the things you typically do after eating, and where possible, only take care of things that require  minimal brain power.

For me, that means a short nap occasionally, but if that’s not an option, there’s always checking email, clearing your desk, reading the news, and so on.

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