Action Enforcer

September 24, 2009

How to Get Things Done – Tip # 22

Filed under: Get Things Done! — 5buckguy @ 10:56 am

Each day for a few weeks, I’ll give you a new tip on how to get more done with the same hours you already have.  Here’s the next tip:

Take Care Of Your Health

No productivity list would be complete without mentioning the importance of maintaining your health.

Instead of spending a considerable amount of time going into detail about some very simple ideas, let me just get right to the point:

Drink more water and a lot less soda. With the amount of sugar (or high fructose corn syrup) in most soda’s, start visualizing each gulp you take as thick, gooey, liquid being poured on a fire, because that’s essentially what you’re doing – dampening your ability to think and take action with a sugary mess that takes a while to wear off.

Throw out most of the processed foods in your pantry. If a majority of your diet requires just a microwave to enable you to ‘heat and serve’ it, you’re really doing yourself a BIG disservice in both food quality and taste. Not only that, but most of it is bad for you, thus not too great for your brain. Regularly spend a few minutes to select 4 or 5 fresh foods/recipes to prepare for the coming week. It’s not that difficult, and it can really do a lot to contribute to your ability and desire to take action.

Occasionally take several deep breaths. It helps get blood flowing to your brain, instantly energizing it.

Exercise a little. Not a lot is necessary, but just enough to get you blood flowing.

Plan to sleep better. Avoid anything before bed that stresses out your mind or your body (including most prime-time ‘entertainment’, the daily news, and intense video games.)

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