Action Enforcer

September 25, 2009

How to Get Things Done – Tip # 23

Filed under: Get Things Done! — 5buckguy @ 10:57 am

Each day for a few weeks, I’ll give you a new tip on how to get more done with the same hours you already have.  Here’s the last tip in this series:

Use Time Boxing (The Powerhouse Technique)

Up to this point, we’ve talked about a lot of ways to take more action every day. Each one being an important step to becoming a human action machine.

But probably THE most important skill you can master is that of managing your time for maximum productivity.

There are a lot of ’systems’ out there for helping you do this, but many of them require you to live almost like an automated robot with a set of instructions that need to be followed precisely or the system collapses.

This is probably why time-management continues to be a big problem for a lot of people. But it doesn’t have to be, because it really boils down to some simple concepts that you can begin using immediately.

You see, in your life, you have:

  • Things to do
  • Time
  • The ability to do your things to do

What you need in order to bring this all together to produce some results is order and structure. That’s it!

The way you get that order and structure is to:

  • Identify the things you need to do
  • Assign a specific amount of time each day to complete them
  • Focus solely on the task at hand and take action!

That’s the golden-ticket to being a human action machine!

The reason I think it works so well is because it gives your brain 2 key ingredients that drive it to taking action: Clear definable goals (even if they are very small goals), and a specific time-frame to accomplish them.

This is what time boxing is all about. Each day you:

  • Create a list of things you want to get done for the day
  • Assign a box (chunk) of time for each one, from 15 minutes to 2 hours
  • Select a task, start a timer (like an egg timer or your watch), and work on getting that task done, without distraction, until the timer goes off. Afterwards, take a break, and move on to the next task for the day.

The structure, order, and mysterious driving-force this simple process creates in you, often produces mind-boggling results!

A Machine Built For Time Boxing

I believe that this powerhouse productivity technique can propel you forward in your life so fast, that I recently set out on a mission to create a simple and intuitive software-based tool to help make using the time boxing process a total no-brainer for you!

The software I created, known as “The 5 Bucks a Day Action Enforcer” (or “Action Enforcer” for short, does only one thing – time boxing, but it does it really well.

Action Enforcer is simple to use, but oh so powerful once you allow it to take charge of you daily time.  Don’t let the simplicity fool you, this is a beast when it comes to helping you take action!

If you’re ready to get more done, starting today, visit right now to discover what Action Enforcer can do for you.

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